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Yiorgos of Kedros by Yiorgos & Yiannis Kolozis


A journey in time through the eyes of two generations of filmmakers, at the same remote island in Greece from the ’70s until now. Yiorgos Kolozis went to Donoussa for the first time in 1972, there was no electricity or tourists then. Staying alone at Kedros beach, he acquired the name “Yiorgos of Kedros” and visited many times recording the remains of old times. Yiorgos’ death in 2009 led Yiannis, his son, to continue his work, creating a story in which time is treated as a reconsideration of the present moment. Where birth, death, youth and old age are present simultaneously.



Yiannis Kolozis

has worked as a director, editor and cinematographer, drawn to fiction for a while, but following back the steps of his father he ended up in documentary. His first-feature length documentary “Un Cóndor” was shot in Chile and England and his second one “Yiorgos of Kedros” was shot from the ’70s until 2018 by his father and himself and was completed in 2020.


Yiorgos Kolozis (1953 – 2009)

He studied economics, photography and film directing. Early in his career he supported the idea of independent filmmaking and turned towards documentary. In 1985 he founded the film production company Photokinisis l.t.d ,while producting and directing various documentaries for TV and Cinema.





release date:



Yiorgos & Yiannis Kolozis






82 min


Greek with English subtitles