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TRIBUTE LGBTQI+: The Oleanders by Paola Revenioti

Saturday, April 2nd, 9:30 p.m., Hall 1, Berlin premiere, screening together with the film Mr Dimitris & Mrs Dimitroula

director present, Q & A after the screening

-> buy your tickets here!


Paola, Betty and Eva are three trans* women in their 60s, who have known each other for more than 40 years. All three of them started making their living early in their youth as sex workers in Athens, Greece. In The Oleanders, Betty Vakalidou, Eva Koumarianou and Paola Revenioti revisit all different places in the city, where they used to work, socialise, get harassed or arrested by the cops, fight for their rights, have fun and find love. The unapologetic, humorous and empowering discussion of Eva, Betty and Paola is a history of Athens, as well as a history of sexualities in the Mediterranean region and beyond.



Paola Revenioti

First Cemetery of Athens: A Walk with Paola (2013), short film
The Journey of Aris from Afghanistan to Greece (2013), short film
All Three of Them Were Fabulous (2014), short film
Paola in Tyrnavos – Bourani (2014), short film
Kaliarnta (2015)
Women Who Love Women (2015), short film
Paola’s Interview to Dinos Christianopoulos / Strange Where they Find the Courage to Blossom (2016)
Welcome – Welcome… (2017)
– The Oleanders (2021)




release date:



Paola Revenioti






65 min


Greek with English subtitles