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SPECIAL SCREENING: EX by George Markakis

Saturday, April 2nd, 10:15 p.m., Hall 2, director present, Q & A after the screening

-> buy your tickets here!


While the dancefloor is mythologised as a space for connection, any committed creature of the night knows the real action takes place in the toilet cubicle – at once the club’s engine room and its “confessional” booth. The film depicts the realities of these sacred spaces with a nauseating intimacy, bundling us in with Diana and a flurry of gorgeous party people for one night of sublime chaos.



George Markakis

George Markakis was born in Crete, Greece and studied cinematography in Athens and New York. During the last eight years, he is based in Berlin.

India Blues opens the circle of my experience in Berlin. EX closes this circle. Both are deeply and delicately psychological; both depict my world in Berlin”. – GM







release date:



George Markakis


Greece / Germany


Braulio Bandeira, Maxime Chenu, Guille Chipironet, Léonard Condemine


85 min


English, Russian, German with English subtitles