Short Film. Block 3
FOR SALE by Apostolos Karoulas
Greece 2019, 10 min, Greek with English subtitles
Thanasis decides to sell his paternal home, where he lives, in order to get rid of his loneliness. When he will open a new door in this world though, his plans will take another turn.
SAD GIRL WEEKEND by Lida Vartzioti & Dimitris Tsakaleas
Greece 2019, 15 min, Greek with English subtitles
Three best friends are spending their last weekend together, since two of them are leaving to study abroad. Sooner or later, they realize that goodbyes are hard.
Greece 2018, 19 min, Greek with English subtitles
On his way to work, a lonely fish-farm worker learns that he has died the day before. Utterly oblivious to his preposterous situation, he spends his last day on Earth trying to verify his existence. What will become of his poor canaries?
SABLE NOIR by Thanasis Trouboukis
France / Greece 2018, 20 min, Greek with English subtitles
Alice, a young woman living in the Northern France, finds mysterious tapes with people narrating their nightmares. As she is looking for the sender, the limits between dreams and reality get obscured.