With great anticipation and joy, The Greek Film Festival in Berlin will travel to Frankfurt for the third time. The Greek Film Festival GOES FRANKFURT will take place on September 14 and 15 at Eldorado cinema. The events will present a selection of five films from the official program of the 9th edition of the Berlin film festival last March
The program of The Greek Film Festival in Berlin GOES Frankfurt includes the films:

At the event, representatives of the films will be present for Q&A’s after the screenings.
Tickets will go on sale mid to end of July in both cities.
Further information and announcements can be found at thegreekfilmfestivalinberlin.com and on the festival’s social media pages.
Dates for the next 10th anniversary edition of The Greek Film Festival in Berlin will be announced soon.
The call for entries will open in October over Filmfreeway.

With the support: