Nadja from Georgia has been working for twelve years as a housekeeper for a family in Greece. But she has been way more than „just“ a housekeeper: Nadja has been a friend, a second mother, the positive spirit of the house and, in the meantime, has become a family member. At some point, Nadja is diagnosed with a serious illness. Catastrophe number one. Catastrophe number two: the couple fires her as a result of the financial difficulties her employer faces due to economic depression. Nadja, the protagonist, remained „the foreigner“ in a household she conceived as home for twelve years. Focusing on the crisis of values in his film, Athanasios Karanikolas exposes „the crisis within the crisis“. Migration is the main topic of the 21st century for the filmmaker. The feeling of belonging has a personal meaning for him, for, although, he shot the film in Greece, he defines home between Greece and Germany.
Athanasios Karanikolas
Athanasios Karanikolas
95 mins
Greek with German subtitles